Our Vision, Mission & Values
"Support everyone in our community diagnosed with a life limiting disease, and those who matter to them, to live well and towards the end of their life have a dignified death in a place of their choice."
Mission Statement
- Recognising that every person is unique and tailoring our care to meet their social, psychological and spiritual needs, as well as managing physical symptoms and providing bereavement car
- Working in partnership with our community, the NHS, other healthcare providers, charities and businesses.
- Advocating for appropriate access to local palliative care services.
- Helping to educate and empower our community around attitudes to death and dying and provide in partnership a local centre for palliative care education, audit and research.
- Being a sustainable, well-run Hospice, charity and community resource that meets local needs.
Underpinning Values and Behaviours for Staff
Values underpin the important things that run through our work at St Rocco's Hospice.
Behaviours are evidence of our values
S = SAYING thank you to staff and volunteers and our community
T = THINK differently, be open to change – we are all ambassadors
R = RESILIENCE – physically, psychologically, emotionally and financially
O = OUTREACH – trying new ways of working and understanding our community
C = COMPASSION – care in all we do
C = CONNECTION – with our patients, carers, volunteers, staff and our community
O = OUTSTANDING – to be the best you can be
S = STANDARDS – of high quality of care in all that we do
Making every day count
Integrated Palliative Care Hub
We want to make it as easy as possible for palliative patients to access the right support, quickly and efficiently, with just one call.
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Our shops
A bargain hunter’s dream, our shops feature a fantastic assortment of clothes, accessories and other goodies.
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Events & Campaigns
Take a look at how you can get involved today to help support St Rocco's, in one of our many fundraising events!