All referrals are now received by the Warrington Integrated Palliative Hub, based at St Rocco's Hospice.
The Hub provides a single point of contact, via telephone or e-referral, for patients that have a palliative, life-limiting prognosis, who are on the Gold Standards Register and have an EPaCCS record and consent to sharing information.
Patients, carers or health professionals can call the Hub on 03333 661066 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-4.30pm Saturday & Sunday. Here you will speak to a specialist nurse, who will chat to you about your circumstances and work with you to coordinate your care.
Healthcare Professionals
To refer a patient, please complete our referral form and email it to
using your NHS e-mail address. You can download the form here.
All referrals are triaged by a trained nurse and if appropriate discussed at a daily MDT allocation meeting (Mon-Fri). Any urgent needs identified will be responded to within 2 hours. When completing your referral form it is important you identify the pressing needs of your patient.
We will contact the patient to inform them of forward referrals, interventions or services to meet the needs identified within the referral form and discuss/seek acceptability with patients/families at all times.
All patients will be asked to consent to the sharing of their healthcare information to ensure that any advice given is appropriate.
If you have any queries regarding a referral, please contact the Palliative Hub during office hours on 0333 366 1066.
Pallative Care Hub
Patients, carers or health professionals can call the Hub on 03333 661066 between 9am-5pm Mon to Fri and 8.30am-4.30pm Sat & Sun.
Learn more
Refer a patient
Please complete our referral form and email it to using your NHS e-mail address
Download referral form
What happens next?
Referrals are discussed daily at a review meeting held at 1.30pm, Monday to Friday. Following this the decisions made regarding each referral will be communicated to the referrer.
In this way referrals are dealt with promptly and patients receive the most appropriate care as it enables the best person to see the patient first, based on the needs that have been identified in the referral.
The patient will be contacted about who they will see or about admission. The referrer will be kept informed of progress, preferably by SystmOne where possible.
It is important that the sharing of records is initiated by the referrer so that information can flow between the organisations and patients receive co-ordinated care.
In the event of an emergency admission, out of hours, referrers should phone 01925 575780.
If you have and queries regarding this process, please email
Guidance when completing the Warrington Integrated Palliative Care Hub Referral Form
- Complete all patient details and contact details.
- Complete diagnosis - if possible, start with most recent and work back.
- Complete the box of most relevant symptoms highlighting any change in need or deterioration.
- Past medical history is relevant but sending 45 pages of consultations detracts from the change or urgent needs you are seeking help with. Help us to identify patient’s needs.
- Gaining patient consent and opening the share on S1 is helpful to sharing information. We will always check consent with the patient when offering services.
- If you have had conversations about patients preferred place of care/death, please add this information as this will build into offering care and support relevant to each patient.
- We want to enhance the care and support of patients it is important that we build on your knowledge of the patient so anything that helps us offer individual care is a real bonus.