St. Rocco's staff provide high quality care


St. Rocco's staff provide high quality care

Staff at St. Rocco’s Hospice provide a ‘high quality service to the patients they care for’. So says the latest CQC inspection report for St. Rocco’s Hospice.

Our hospice, which provides specialist palliative care to people with a life-limiting illness and support for their families, was found by inspectors to be rated ‘good’ in all areas. Staff were described as ‘caring and compassionate at all times and treated everyone with dignity and respect’.

The inspection was carried under the new framework which looks at key lines of enquiry and seeks to establish if services are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

Inspectors commented positively on all areas of hospice life from the medical care, environment, catering, care for families and care offered to patients in the community. Medical care was found to be safe and the report noted that staff were knowledgeable, skilled and demonstrated a positive culture and enthusiasm. St. Rocco’s provides safe medical care and a service which treats patients as individuals, involving them in their care. Families were seen to be supported ‘right through the journey of supporting someone with a life-limiting illness’.

Volunteers were described as having a clear understanding of their roles and duties and were praised by patients and families for the way that they carry out those duties.

The report also noted that feedback from patients and their families was ‘overwhelmingly positive’. Staff were described as being ‘majestic at their job’.

“We could see, and relatives told us, that staff, “are angels”, and invested their own time in helping people live full lives, make their own choices, and be part of the local community. We found staff and management to be passionate about and dedicated to their work.’

Pam Massey, Chief Executive Officer for St. Rocco’s said,

“We are absolutely delighted with this report which reflects the professionalism, skill and dedication demonstrated by our staff and volunteers and their willingness to go the extra mile for our patients and families. It also shows that, at St. Rocco’s, it takes the whole team, both medical and non-medical staff, to care for our patients so that they can get the very most out of every day.

We would also like to thank every person who makes our care possible by raising funds for us. We are a charity and without them we would not be able to continue to look after those in our community who need us at such a difficult time in their lives.”

Anyone who would like to know more about the care offered by St. Rocco’s Hospice or how you can support them should email or phone 01925 575780.

Read the full report here.