Fabulous Fundraising for £50 for 50 Days Challenge!


Fabulous Fundraising for £50 for 50 Days Challenge!

Our first £50 for 50 Days Challenge has been a huge success with £8226.50 being raised to support patient care at St. Rocco’s.

In February they all started with £50 and had 50 days to see how much they could raise in that time. Companies had the freedom to fundraise however they wanted to, as long as it was safe and legal! There was a wide range of different initiatives over the seven weeks from raffles and tombolas to leg waxing, cake sales and dress down days.

£50 for 50 Final

This week marked the end of the challenge and on Thursday evening representatives from the companies came into the hospice to find out who had raised the most. The winners were BT Skip Hire, who donated the money each time the St Rocco’s Skip was hired during the 50 days. We’d like to say a really big thank you to all the companies involved and for their continued support for St. Rocco’s including the MacDonald’s restaurants at Gemini, Birchwood, Earlestown, Riverside, Winwick Road and Bridge Street, Virgin V-Room and the Blackburne Arms.

As far as we are concerned they are all winners with us!

The £50 for 50 days Challenge will be taking place again next year so if your business would like to get involved please contact rachelingham@stroccos.org.uk