At St. Rocco's we have over 700 volunteers supporting patient care in one way or another. The variety of different tasks they take on is incredibly varied from gardening, clerical work, shop volunteers, drivers, supporting with events and arranging flowers. The list is practically endless. So this week they are finding out what's involved in some other areas of volunteering.
Rachel Ingham, one of our Community Fundraisers, was a volunteer on our inpatient unit for just over seven years before she joined St. Rocco’s as an employee. She still volunteers every other Tuesday evening.
Mike Titchard, along with his daughter Kate, is a staunch supporter of St. Rocco’s. Part of the self-styled ‘A-team’ which was honoured by the Mayor at a Volunteer Award evening last year, he is one of a very loyal group of volunteers who provide much needed help at many of our big events including the Starlight Ladies Walk, Colour Run, Children's Lantern Walk and Light Up a Life. He recently shadowed Rachel on her evening shift and here is his description of his evening.
"Standing in a car park in the rain at Starlight, or directing traffic on a street in the freezing cold at the tree lighting service always seemed easy compared with how I thought working on the In Patient Unit at the Hospice would be.
So as part of Volunteer Week I agreed to shadow Rachel on an evening shift. So glad I did. The unit is not the "sterile" environment people might expect and is bright and welcoming. The staff on shift were cheerful. The role consists of checking whether patients or their visitors needed anything, whether that be a chat and an ear to listen or a cup of tea (I am claiming my tea is better than Rachel's!). The shift was quiet as a number of patients had gone to sleep, so I got to chat to Rachel and find out about what she got from the role. One thing came across.....calmness. Certainly something I can now appreciate."
Thanks so much to Mike and Rachel for taking part! Look out for more news about our volunteers over the next week.
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