39 Runners Take on English Half Marathon for St. Rocco's


39 Runners Take on English Half Marathon for St. Rocco's

We were delighted to see so many green Rocco's running shirts being worn at last Sunday's event.

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This year we had an amazing 39 people who supported patient care at St. Rocco's by taking to the streets of Warrington for the English Half Marathon, one of Warrington's biggest running events.

And it didn't stop there! Many of those taking part also ran the 5K on Friday as well as the 10k or the half marathon distance on the Sunday. Indeed, those with children completed the race and then took on the children's Warrington mile immediately afterwards.

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We'd like to say a big thank you to them and to our wonderful team of 12 volunteers who gave up their day on Sunday to help out a the water station wearing their bright yellow St. Rocco's t-shirts! Well done everyone and thank you for supporting St. Rocco's.