The CAEC team is acutely aware that the recent lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic is adding many unexpected, difficult and painful challenges to your situation, and that you haven’t got access to the services usually provided at St. Rocco’s Hospice such as Vitality Centre, complementary therapies, counselling and our two Bereavement Cafes. Many of you will have been self-isolating for several weeks and unable to see friends and family face-to-face. If you are a patient, this may have increased your anxiety about your condition, treatment and access to normal services such as your GP. If you are a carer you may not have had any respite from your caring role, or been able to draw on your usual support from family, friends and neighbours.
For those of you who are grieving the death of a loved one, whether as a result of or a life-limiting condition or Covid-19, this is a very difficult time indeed. Due to the current lockdown and the need to keep safe, you may be missing contact with close family and friends and this may cause you to feel alone and isolated. If you have had a funeral, this might have been very different from the one you had planned or hoped to have, and this may have added to your distress. Whatever your personal situation, the CAEC team hopes that you will be staying in touch with loved ones through regular ‘phone calls and/or via social media or via video link.
We have compiled a list of useful resources that may provide support during this difficult time, and we encourage you to make use of these. However, not everyone is able to access the internet so if you know someone who does not have access, but who might benefit from knowing about some of the resources we have listed, please tell them. Most organisations give a telephone contact number and/or offer a telephone support line.
There are times such as these when people discover an inner strength or resilience that they did not know they had. Our message to you all is keep strong, stay safe and have hope
Resources – general
Daily Hope- a free 24 hr phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers
0800 804 8044
NHS Every Mind Matters -
Public Health England at (Updated advice on funerals) (For help and advice with financial matters) Free 24hr help line: 116 123
Resources - patients, carers, families, bereaved
Resources for the bereaved and grieving (the UK’s signposting website for the bereaved)
Griefcast at (podcast available on BBC Sounds) (online support/chat group for the bereaved) (provides advice and support following death through suicide) (online support group for those who have been widowed in their 50s and 60s) (for those bereaved by suicide)
Resources to support children and young people
“Saying Goodbye” – video clip at
Resources to support NHS and other frontline staff (advice and guidance on self-care)
NHS support line for staff: 0300 131 7000
Bereavement support line operated by Hospice UK: 0300 303 4434
This is not an exhaustive list but is meant to offer you some information and resources to support you as the lockdown continues and into the future.
The CAEC team.
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