A Fathers Day Letter | St Roccos Hospice

A Fathers Day Letter


A Fathers Day Letter

This Fathers Day we received this beautiful letter from Caz, our Lead Complementary Therapist, about the care her dad received at St. Rocco's...


Hi Everyone,

My Dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer in January 2020. The consultant told my Dad to go live his life and said he may have five to ten years. My Dad and I walked out of the hospital beaming at each other. I held his hand and said, “Shall we skip Dad?” We skipped across the carpark in absolute joy! Dad had always been fit and rode his bike until he was 83.

Dad continued to lose weight and energy. He went for a scan in March. We were in lockdown and my brothers and sisters and I where sat in the garden when my Dad received his results over the phone. The prognosis wasn’t good and there was no treatment for my Dad. Dad was my Mum’s carer, so when I was furloughed, I decided to more or less move in with my parents. I was able to care for my Dad, he grew to love Reflexology and even practiced some yoga that helped with his digestion. Dad saw his GP once or twice due to Covid-19 restrictions.

In August, Dad was admitted to St Rocco’s. It was here, were he received the most wonderful medical treatment, care, attention and support. He enjoyed healthy nutritious meals and relaxing soaks in the bath. The ward staff breathed life back into my Dads poorly body. Dad came home and continued receiving great care from our Physio and OT team, Hospice at Home and the Macmillan team.

Dad returned to the ward in October. I spent that last day with my Dad in Lavender room (I think!) Once again, I observed the ward team take care of my Dad. He was comfortable, pain free and peaceful. Staff noticed my Dads cross and arranged for a priest to see my Dad. The priest and my Mum sang a hymn to my Dad, he would have loved that! The last act of romance my Dad shared with my Mum (they were married 60 years) I witnessed. Helped by Hannah, my Dad took off his wedding ring and placed it on my Mums finger. That night my Dad fell peacefully asleep.

I am in awe of the work our ward staff do every day of their working life. Having worked here for a very long, until my Dads passing, I had never experienced being a patient’s relative and seeing and feeling just what they do. It is because of EVERYONE who works for or volunteers for St Rocco’s Hospice and do the work they do, that people like my lovely Dad, can receive brilliant, supportive care and end of life care that every human being deserves. So, thank you to you all. Wherever you work in this amazing place, whatever your role is, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do. And…if I knew the time and date of my death, I’d book in!





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