When someone you love dies, it can be one of the most painful things you have to endure. Allowing yourself time to grieve and mourn your loss is normal, healthy and essential.
The Bereavement café is an informal drop-in that opens once a month in Stockton Heath. Facilitated by the St. Rocco’s Counselling & Emotional Care team (CEC) and Hospice volunteers, it is intended to provide support with the opportunity to meet and talk to others going through similar experiences.
Welcoming and safe place
The group provides a welcoming and safe place where you can talk about your loss, enjoy refreshments and benefit from the input of our trained CEC team. The drop-in café is informal and is open between 9.30am and 11am on the second Tuesday of every month, commencing on 14th September.
Joe McDonough, Head of the CEC team said, “I am delighted that we are able to reopen the Stockton Heath Bereavement café. Covid and the lockdown forced us to curtail it last year and I know it was badly missed by those who had attended. Now, as things are getting back to normal, I am looking forward to meeting and supporting new people as they come to terms with their loss.”
The bereavement café is open to anyone who has been bereaved, however long ago the loss has been and in whatever the circumstances the death occurred.
The cafe will open at 9.30 on Tuesday Sept 14th at:
The Pavilion
Alexandra Park
Stockton Heath
We look forward to welcoming you.
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