Their previous two events featuring Freddie Mercury tribute acts had proved so successful that they had a little concern that a move to something completely different might not prove as popular but how wrong they were. As soon as it was announced, their Diamond and Divas event was virtually sold out with the majority of those purchasing tickets having been to one or both of the previous events.
Covid no barrier
Unfortunately as the event got closer there were quite a few cry offs due to Covid, but under the circumstances it was to be expected. Johnny Dee put on a tremendous tribute to Neil Diamond and Hayley J belted out some of the best Diva anthems. Once again Margie cooked the hot dishes for over 100 guests and her small band of friends catered the cold buffet. No one left hungry that’s for sure.
The partygoers loved it and declared that had been the best of the three nights.
They’ve now challenged Chris and Margie to come up with something even more spectacular at the next event which will be in the autumn. And they are working on a couple of ideas now which will be revealed as soon as they are finalised but they reckon they can go one better again so watch this space as it is likely to sell out fast.
They take the view that fund raising should be fun and they’re certainly very successful at doing both and Diamond and Divas raised over £900 for the hospice.
Thank You Chris and Margie!
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