
Angela's story


Angela's story

A palliative illness diagnosis does not mean the end of enjoying everything you love doing.

It is still possible to undergo treatment at the same time as keeping on with favourite pastimes. As was demonstrated recently by one of our in-patients – Angela Lewis.

Angela is an avid knitter, having taken it up two years ago. Back in Dec 2020 at the start of the second covid lockdown she started knitting a blanket for her daughter, Catherine who was going off to university.

Knitting was a distraction from the pain
Getting her wool from Black Sheep Wools in Culcheth, she found knitting was a distraction, so she tried to knit most days, even when she was in pain. The blanket wasn’t ready for September 2021, when her daughter started at University. But she persevered and now in March 2022 it is.

Catherine recently came home from University for the Easter break, so Angela was able to give it to her then. Her other daughter now wants one, so Angela’s next task will be to start on the blanket for her!