I would just like to say how well my husband and myself and family were looked after when my husband came into the hospice.
He had been admitted into Warrington General hospital on the 16th of June after being quite poorly for a couple of weeks. It was found that he had oesophageal cancer, upper bowel and left lung cancer. After being in the hospital for four weeks we managed to get him a place in St Rocco's Hospice and I can say with all my heart that it was the best thing that could have happened.
We actually found out for the first time the extent of his illness which came as a shock to myself and the family. He passed away after two weeks in the Hospice but I have to say that it couldn't have happened in a better place.
Every single person in the Hospice was absolutely amazing we were all treated with the greatest respect and I think genuine affection. Our two daughters had a sleepover with him one night which was lovely for them all. Roy and myself celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on the 25th July and they let us have a family party with banners and balloons even though Roy was by this point quite out of it, it was still nice to be able to celebrate. Roy passed away five days later on the 30th July 2019 aged 67.
I was so grateful that he had such an amazing place to spend his last few days. From starting to feel unwell to his actual passing was eight weeks. The last two weeks in the Hospice were definitely the most relaxed and calm I had seen him in all that time.
So thank you to each and everyone of the staff and amazing volunteers for giving him such a peaceful passing.
Susan Green
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