The diagnosis of a life-limiting condition is devastating news for you and your loved ones. However, advances in medical science over the last decades mean that those with such a prognosis need not be so disheartened. Now, the life expectancy of many people with such a condition can be extended by years and in some cases decades.
It is therefore vital that Hospices are able to provide palliative care to such people and ensure that they can add years to life and life to years.
Holistic approach to well-being
Here at St. Rocco’s our Vitality Centre has been providing such care for many years. Like everything recently, what we have been able to offer has been severely limited by the Covid lockdown. But now, with the end in sight, we will be expanding our services back to pre-Covid levels.
One of the first of these will be our complementary therapies sessions headed up by Caz Clair. Complementary therapies adopt a holistic approach by looking at the ‘whole person’ in order to promote physical and psychological health. They cover: aromatherapy, Indian head massage, reflexology, reiki, relaxation and yoga.
Reflexology is like getting a body service
“Complementary therapies break down the barrier of how people perceive a hospice,” explained Caz. “They are surprised that we offer such services, as they think that we focus only on providing end-of-life care, in our in-patient unit.
“All our patients are eager to get back, particularly to our reflexology sessions, which we have just restarted. All the body’s systems can benefit from reflexology. I view a session as similar to getting your car serviced and everything works great after!
“We have people attending our complementary therapies sessions who have had a palliative diagnosis for many years and still find it beneficial and life-improving.”
Integrated palliative care
Complementary Therapy sessions are usually offered in four to six week sessions and are available to both patients and carers. You can self-refer or be referred by healthcare professionals.
During the therapy, GPs are kept fully informed of any care that we provide to you and it is your GP who retains overall care for you. If you have been referred, completed your treatment and been discharged, there is no problem in being re-referred if your condition changes.
To find out more call the Integrated palliative care hub for Warrington on 03333 661066 between 9am-5pm Monday to Sunday. You can speak to a specialist nurse, who will chat to you about your circumstances and work with you to coordinate your care.
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