July 2021 corporate update


July 2021 corporate update

See how our corporate partners have been supporting us during the last month

Things have been very busy in the corporate world this month with a lot of activity to announce.

Charity of the year

Firstly, we are delighted to announce that Ingevity have made us their Charity of the year with a donation $30,000 (£21,159) . They will also be the headline sponsor for our Strictly event in December (watch out for more details on that soon).

Read more about Ingevity

Renovate a room

We have had two sign-ups to our renovate our room scheme to redecorate and update the bedrooms in our IPU unit, so a big thank you to Zachary Daniels and Torus Housing for helping to make our patients stay even more comfortable. Torus are also providing paint and materials and six volunteer staff members to come in and carry out the work.

We will be starting work on these renovations shortly and will be posting pictures when they are complete.

1000 days without an accident

Finally, thank you to TMD Friction who recently donated £1,000 to celebrate 1,000 days without any time being lost to an accident.

Read more about TMD Friction