
Julie helps St. Rocco’s get ready for the Queen’s Jubilee


Julie helps St. Rocco’s get ready for the Queen’s Jubilee

A big thank you to Julie

With a 4-day weekend to look forward to, the Queen’s Jubilee is going to be a great celebration for all the country. To assist us in getting our celebrations underway, we recently got help from one of our ex-employees – Julie McKenzie.

Julie worked at St. Rocco’s, initially as a volunteer, then as a Healthcare assistant for 6 years, before moving onto Warrington General Hospital.

“The Hospice always has a special place in my heart,” she explained. “I met many great people there so, I wanted to do something to help out!”


“I have always been creative, as it enables me to switch off from work and relax. So, a few years back I set up my own business called Simply Bunting (Facebook @simplybuntingbyjulie) and this seemed the best way to help St. Rocco’s for the Jubilee. I had already created bunting in the past for some of the wards in Warrington General as well as St. Rocco’s, so the Jubilee was a great focus for me.

Julie can be seen presenting the bunting to Jacqui Barron, our Clinical admin manager and it will soon be taking pride of place in our reception.

What are you planning for the Jubilee weekend?