
Barbara O' Hare's story


Barbara O' Hare's story

The relative of one of St. Rocco's first patients tells their story

My mum was one of the first patients in St Rocco’s over 35 years ago, she had bowel cancer.

She was only in for 5 days before she died. The staff were fantastic and allowed me and my sister to stay with her over the five nights.

My sister went to bed upstairs but I stayed with my mum. I was 37 and had just had my bowel removed and a permanent Stoma, the nurses at the hospice helped me get through my early pre op problems.

My family will never be able to thank them enough. When my husband died recently the hospice took care of him at home.

I really don’t think I would have got through it without the help of St Rocco’s. The donations from his funeral went to the hospice and when I die the hospice inherits from me. I hope more people do this, without donations they would not exist.

So a big thank you St Rocco’s for taking such great care of our loved ones.

Barbara O’Hare.