25th Anniversary


25th Anniversary

St Rocco's is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2010. There's a whole host of events planned to commemorate the occasion. Why not join us and celebrate in style?

Celebrate with St. Rocco’s this year and join the Starlight Celebration Walk on 18th June 2010.

Other 25th anniversary events include:

  • Dragon Boat Race on Saturday 7th August
  • St. Rocco’s Golf Day in September.

Have you got memories of St. Rocco's Hospice through the years? We would love to hear from you. Please email your memories to enquiries@stroccos.org.uk

Julia Howarth and Steve Arnold (AKA Claire and Ashley Peacock of Coronation Street) came to the Hospice in January to launch St. Rocco’s 25th Year. They spent time with patients and families at the Hospice before joining patients and staff at the birthday party and cutting a celebration cake.

Beth Eccles, Matron at St. Rocco’s said. ”We are delighted to have Julia and Steve here with us today to help launch St Rocco’s Silver Anniversary. They spent lots of time chatting with our patients and families, lots of whom are avid viewers of Coronation Street, so were thrilled to meet them. St. Rocco’s Hospice has been a lifeline for Warrington families since 1985– we look forward to the next 25 years!