Celebrating a lifetime in Nursing


Celebrating a lifetime in Nursing

After 52 years in nursing and over 16 years at St. Rocco’s staff said a fond farewell to nurse Doreen Lewtas on Wednesday.

Doreen thought she was just coming in for a meeting with her line manager and was genuinely surprised to see everyone gathered in the IPU lounge when she arrived.

Doreen Lewtas 2

As a teenager Doreen had applied to be nurse, despite the misgivings of her family. She explained that her father had dropped her off for her first day of training at Clatterbridge Hospital with the words ‘I’ll give you a month’! After working at Broad Green Hospital and as a District Nurse for 27 years before joining St. Rocco’s, she felt she had well and truly proved him wrong!

Doreen said, “I can’t believe it’s my last day! I have absolutely loved nursing. I feel I have made life-long friends here at St. Rocco’s and I know we will still keep in touch.”

We wish her all the very best.

Doreen Lewtas retirement

Doreen (centre) with Clinicla Nurse Specialist Sylvie Cook & Hospice at Home Co-ordinator Tracy Griffin