His last official event was last night’s Annual General Meeting where he typically paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of everyone else at St. Rocco’s, including staff, volunteers, fellow trustees, members and patrons.
Fortunately, there were many on hand who were quick to recognise the important role that Norman has played over the last ten years at St. Rocco’s and that he has been a great champion for those people and their families in the Warrington area with terminal or life-limiting illness. This included the Venerable Roger Preece, Archdeacon of Warrington, the incoming Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Basil Mitchell, Vice President of St. Rocco’s, described how over the years Norman has given freely of his time and expertise and done his level best to attend every event in the St. Rocco’s calendar.
Mike Coates, also a Vice President stated that, as Chair of the organisation, Norman had displayed ‘dedication, determination and a large dash of humour’.
Chief Executive Officer, Pam Massey, also thanked Norman for his support,
“Not a week has gone by without Norman touching base with us here at the hospice and popping round to catch up with staff and volunteers,” she said. There was only one word to describe him, she added, and that was, “awesome!”
In his speech Norman mentioned a number of highlights over the last year; the CQC inspection which found us to be good in all areas and for which he thanked everyone, including our former Clinical Lead, Alison White, for their hard work.
“It has been a pleasure to work with all the teams in every area at St. Rocco’s,” said Norman, “They do a terrific job, offering a high level of service in care and commitment and working hard to make that experience the best it can be for patients and their families. This is backed up by a terrific body of volunteers doing an amazing job in every way. I am also very proud of everything that is done inside and outside of the hospice to increase the understanding in the community of everything that St. Rocco’s has to offer.”
Although Norman has said farewell to being Chair of the Board, he is not saying goodbye as he will be continuing his association with the charity as a Vice President.
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