Why Light Up a Life is a Comfort at Christmas


Why Light Up a Life is a Comfort at Christmas

“It never ceases to amaze me as I’m helping to write the cards, how many people there are all over Warrington remembering their loved ones through Light Up A Life.”


Anne Fox has been helping with St. Rocco’s Light Up A Life for six years now, beforehand and, more recently,  on the day. At this annual Christmas event members of the community are invited to dedicate a light on the St. Rocco’s Christmas tree in return for a donation towards patient care.

Anne also volunteers on reception, helps out at St. Rocco’s events such as Lantern Walk and Colour Run and supports RocON!, St. Rocco’s innovative youth project.

Her first connection with St. Rocco’s arose when her neighbour and friend was referred many years ago when it was still at the original site.

“After one day at the day unit service she was a different person and it made such a difference to her quality of life,” said Anne who was also impressed with the care and consideration shown to her friend’s family after her death.

Anne has attended the Light Up a Life service for many years and finds it a safe place to grieve for the close friends and relatives who have died. Several of these have been close to Christmas and having the space to remember them amongst all the Christmas preparations has been important.

 “I remember one occasion when bagpipes were played. It was very moving and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. But that is what Light Up provides, a safe place to be upset. I find this very comforting, as it means that you can then carry on, being with loved ones in the festive period having had the space and time you need for remembering those that we have lost.

“Eleven years ago my husband, Mike, was admitted to St. Rocco’s just before Christmas. Although he had been ill for a while we had only recently received a diagnosis and knew that he was not going to get better. The staff at the hospice cared for him, making his remaining couple of weeks as comfortable as possible. They also supported me and my young daughter Kathryn. We are very grateful for the care given by everyone at St Rocco’s.

 “For me St. Rocco’s represents a safe place and offers a lifeline at a very difficult time.  After Mike died I came for counselling and for complementary therapies. This support was invaluable.

“Light Up a Life gives us all time for reflection and you feel that everyone is there for similar reasons. You draw strength from being together. Because I volunteer on reception and greet families and friends when they visit patients, I get to recognise familiar faces at Light Up a Life. I’m so glad that others continue to be able to benefit from the same support that was offered to me.”

If you would like to dedicate a light to someone special to you and help us to continue to care for those who need us and their families, you can do so here.

Please dedicate your light by Thursday 30th November to ensure that your loved one's name will be included in the Book of Honour in time for the services.

Our services are on Sunday 3ed December at 4pm here at St. Rocco's and at 7pm on Thursday 7th December at St. Elphin's Church in Warrington.