“Our lovely Dad, John, was looked after at St. Rocco’s before he passed away and his bedroom there was called the Sunflower Room,” explained Leanne.
“He loved sunflowers,” added Laura, “and they are such bright, happy flowers – a lovely way to remember him, as he was always so cheerful and positive. We were really excited when we heard about St. Rocco’s Sunflowers and felt we were meant to dedicate a sunflower to him.”
St Rocco’s is inviting people to dedicate an everlasting sunflower to a loved one in return for a donation to patient care. The sunflowers will then be displayed in the flowerbeds in front of the Town Hall for everyone to see and enjoy for two weeks from 27th May, before being available to collect as a lasting keepsake.
It will be nine years this May since John passed away but the family say that they still cherish very positive memories from John’s time at St. Rocco’s.
“It’s just a wonderful, calm place. It feels just like a family home, not anything like a hospital. Dad just looked so comfortable there. We knew we could stay as well, if necessary, and visit at any time, which really helped us as a family.”
St. Rocco’s was still there for the family after John died and Marie found the Family Support service very helpful. So, a few years later when Marie’s own father was poorly, they knew he would be in safe hands at St. Rocco’s.
“We could relax knowing Grandad was being well looked after. He stayed at St. Rocco’s for two weeks and he loved it there. Once again, the staff were brilliant with him and so dedicated.”
The family, who all live close to each other in Appleton, say that their experiences have very much drawn them together. Dedicating a sunflower to their beloved husband and father has been a really positive thing for them to do.
“Dad was only 61 when he died and he’s missed so much – although he was great pals with my son, also called John, he has three other grandchildren that he’s never met,” said Leanne. “But we talk about him all the time and dedicating our sunflower has been another lovely way for us to remember him.”
You can dedicate a sunflower online or call 01925 575780.
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