Kath’s Number 1 for this year’s St. Rocco’s Starlight Walk


Kath’s Number 1 for this year’s St. Rocco’s Starlight Walk

Kath Ditchfield from Paddington is a confirmed St. Rocco’s Starlight walker.

She has the medals and the t-shirts to prove it and this year she was the first lady to sign up for our popular midnight sponsored walk through the streets of Warrington.


“I’m always waiting for registration to open so that I can get signed up and know that it’s done and I’m confirmed on the event,” she explained, “I’ve been number 2 before and in 2016 I managed to be number one. This year I thought I’d just go pop on the website to see if I could sign up and I couldn’t believe it when I got number 1 again!”

Kath, who first started taking part in Starlight in 2007, will be walking with her friend Shirley Stuart who has completed every Starlight walk. Kath says that signing up early means that she has plenty of time to raise sponsorship, as well as sort out all her accessories for the night!

“We have this valuable local charity right on our doorstep. It’s something that I think is important and I really believe in the work that St. Rocco’s does. There have been a couple of years that I have made a donation instead of raising sponsorship. I know that the registration fee only covers the cost of the event so it’s’ really important to me to either raise sponsorship or make a similar donation. We can have a good night out and benefit others at the same time. I think knowing that makes it even more enjoyable.”

The start of the walk is Kath’s favourite time,

“Hearing the staff speak and seeing the long line of ladies leaving the Hub is amazing. I don’t like the end though because it means there’s a whole year to wait until the next one!” Although she does admit that the complimentary coffee and bacon sandwich afterwards helps to keep her cheerful.

She’s also looking forward to finding out what colour the T-shirts will be this year, following the switch from pink to purple last year.

“I loved the purple and, of course, last year’s medal, which I think is my favourite one so far. I can’t wait to see this year’s medal at the end of the walk!”

If you’d like to join Kath, Shirley and a thousand other ladies at this year’s Starlight Ladies Walk then you can register at www.starlightladieswalk.co.uk . The walk is open to all ladies, including girls aged 12 and above (must be accompanied by an adult) and registration is now £12 until the end of April.