Mother & Daughter to Sparkle for St. Rocco’s


Mother & Daughter to Sparkle for St. Rocco’s

“Now when I do the Starlight Walk it is not just for Mum, it is also for me and the friends that I’ve made since having my own diagnosis.”


For Karen Wallace and her daughter Hannah, a student paramedic, this will be the fifth time that they have taken part in the St. Rocco’s Starlight Ladies Walk. Originally they walked in memory of Karen’s mum who was cared for by St. Rocco’s before Hannah was born.

Two years ago, however, Karen from Grappenhall, received her own cancer diagnosis and, despite undergoing surgery she still completed two laps, walking the whole thirteen miles.

“Although after my follow up treatment I just did the one lap last year, which felt like a real achievement. Hopefully this year I’ll be back up to two laps. This year I’m walking to give something back.”

Karen has been coming to the Vitality Centre at St. Rocco’s for a course of complementary therapy sessions after hearing about it at the Cancer Rehabilitation group facilitated by Livewire and St. Rocco’s.

“I’d read about the Vitality Centre in the local press but didn’t realise that I might be able to benefit from the services they offer here,” she says.

“It’s been great – I’ve been able to experience a range of different treatments such as reflexology, massage and reiki. They have really helped, especially with sleeping better.”

Karen has also attended our monthly Bereavement Café which provides a support network for those dealing with loss.

“Sadly my father passed away and with everything else going on at the same time, it’s been a difficult couple of years,” she explains.

Both Karen and Hannah are looking forward to the event and are excited about this year’s sparkly theme.

“Everybody likes a bit of sparkle,” says Karen. “You can’t beat a bit of bling!”

For them both the walk has a very special atmosphere, taking place at midnight, with fantastic camaraderie between the ladies

Hannah said: “Everyone talks to each other before hand and the support on the route is amazing. The whole of Warrington seems to know it is happening and you’re even cheered on by people sitting in their driveways especially. In my work I have seen things from the other side, bringing patients to St. Rocco’s, and it’s a really special place so it’s good to support something so worthwhile. Even though my Nana died before I was born, I still feel a link to St. Rocco’s, especially now with Mum.”

Karen said: “Anyone who is local has a link somewhere with St. Rocco’s. We all know of someone somewhere along the line who has been touched by their care. It’s such a good thing that there is a place like this in our town. As a charity they really rely on us all doing our bit to keep it going.”

If you would like to support those in the Warrington community with life-limiting illness then sign up for this year’s Starlight Ladies Walk at