Rocco's and the Royal Wedding


Rocco's and the Royal Wedding

Wedding fever gripped the nation on Saturday and St. Rocco's was no exception!

Celebrations for the wedding of Harry and Meghan went on all week at the hospice, with themed afternoon teas in the Vitality Centre each day. The Tuesday group of ladies surpassed themselves with some fantastic wedding outfits, including hats and fascinators.


At the weekend the the team workded hard to make the inpatient unit ready with a 'street party' in the patients' lounge, bunting throughout, and plenty of flags available to wave!

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And it wasn't only the day staff, the night staff on Friday night were certainly getting into the swing of things as well!

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We were very grateful for the loan of a large screen television from Martin Dawes for the day so that patients and families could get a fantastic view of all that was going on.