So in April the grandmother from Penketh took part in the Manchester Marathon, running in support of St. Rocco’s.
“I’d had the idea of doing a marathon when I was fifty, but then my husband became poorly and so it wasn’t possible.”
During his illness Stephen was looked after in what was then the day unit and the inpatient unit at St. Rocco’s.
“He absolutely loved going to St. Rocco’s. Of course, when they first suggested referring him it was a bit of a shock but actually there was nothing to worry about – it’s an amazing place and it really helped him.”
As Eileen worked full-time at what is now Woolston Sixth Form College, the family were grateful for the extra support St. Rocco’s could offer. Stephen was able to take advantage of complementary therapy sessions and he also enjoyed the being able to have a chat with staff and other patients. He also spent time on the Inpatient Unit.
“Stephen received outstanding treatment and care and nothing was too much trouble for all the staff. It is really fantastic at St. Rocco’s. They couldn’t have been more supportive and helpful and after Stephen died they were still there to help me through counselling via the Family Support team.”
Eileen didn’t set out to be a runner. About eighteen months after Stephen died she decided she needed to do something and took up a Zumba class and then circuit training where she discovered that what she loved was running. She’s now a member of Victoria Park Running Club. Having completed quite a number of 10k races, she decided this was the year she would take on the marathon. Spurred on by family, colleagues and friends she completed the race in 5 hours and 41 minutes, raising over £1,000 to support patient care at St. Rocco’s in the process.
Her fundraising doesn’t stop there, however; she still has a soft spot for the Starlight Ladies Walk, having taken part in the last twelve events. This year, as in the past, she will be walking with colleagues from Woolston Sixth Form College
“It’s just such an amazing atmosphere. It’s great as we set off from the Orford Hub and the support you get from other walkers and all the wonderful volunteers is brilliant. I always personalise my t-shirt and sort out a headpiece. I really like the purple colour as well.”
So, given that she supports St. Rocco’s in so many different ways – she takes part in the annual Light Up a Life service at the hospice and does the hospice lottery, what makes her such a supporter of St. Rocco’s?
“It’s a way of giving something back. I owe St. Rocco’s a debt that I can never repay. I’ll be doing Starlight for as long as I can walk.”
There's still time to register for this year's Starlight Walk here. If you don't feel there is enough time left to fundraise for sponsorship, then you can make a donationinstead.
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