From this week she is stepping down from her role as Volunteer Link Manager at our Hood Manor so, in Volunteers Week, we asked her a few questions about being a shop volunteer for St. Rocco’s
How long have you been associated with St. Rocco’s?
“I can remember when my son was in the sixth form at Penketh High helping to arrange an envelope collection at the school to raise funds for a hospice in Warrington, so I’ve been supporting St. Rocco’s for a long time. After I retired I decided to volunteer for what was then the new hospice shop here in Hood Manor.”
What has inspired her over the twenty years that she has been the Link Manager?
“This is a real community shop. We’ve always done well because the shop is a real part of the community. We’ve had customers who have been on the journey with us since day one. For example one lady came in last week with all four of her sons. We’ve known her since she started coming in before they were even born! We have lots of regulars and the shop is almost like a meeting place, so many people know each other and us from being customers.
“Some lovely customers even bring cakes for the volunteers’ tea breaks!”
What qualities does she think it takes to be a shop volunteer?
“The volunteers here take a real pride in the shop and they all work very hard. I think it also really helps have an interest in the work of St. Rocco’s. I used to volunteer at the hospice as well and I think that really helped me to have an understanding of why the money that is raised through the shops is so important.”
As a registered charity St. Rocco’s needs to raise £3.6million a year to keep running. Our shops play a vital part in that, last year contributing £455,000 to the hospice.
The good news is that Janette will still be keeping up her volunteering:
“I really enjoy being here and I love the group of volunteers that I work with on a Thursday – they are great!”
At St. Rocco’s we couldn’t operate without our shop volunteers. If you have a couple of hours to spare and think that volunteering in one of our shops might be for you then please get in touch with our Voluntary Services team on 01925 575780 or email
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