Volunteer Geoff talks about marshalling and making things to support patients at St. Rocco’s


Volunteer Geoff talks about marshalling and making things to support patients at St. Rocco’s

Every year we say that our marshalls are the backbone of the Starlight Ladies Walk.

And every year it is worth repeating that without these 200 or so volunteers we simply would not be able to keep all the wonderful walkers safe as they make their way around Warrington in the early hours of the morning.

Many marshalls are there because their loved ones are walking, some are there as a way of saying thank you for the care their loved ones have received from St. Rocco’s. Geoff Smith, one of our senior marshalls has been volunteering at every Starlight Walk except the first one, and he’s still happy to give up a night’s sleep for St. Rocco’s.

“I got involved initially because I wanted to give something back,” he explains. He’s volunteered in the fundraising office and on the inpatient unit in the past but now spends one day a week volunteering in the craft room in our Vitality Centre, getting patients involved in all sorts of crafts but especially pyrography or wood burning, which has proved very popular.


Geoff and patients enjoying time in our craft room

“It’s a great atmosphere in the craft room and I really enjoy the fact that we are helping people to produce something. I’m working with lots of different people and other volunteers - Thursdays really fly by. Craft is great because you can really forget yourself and be absorbed by it. I think this is really helpful for those having to deal with a serious illness every day. It’s also a brilliant way for patients to get to know each other and build relationships so that they can help to support each other.

“Until you’ve visited St. Rocco’s and see how it runs and all that it does to support people, it’s difficult to really understand. I don’t think it is what many people expect.”

He says that marshalling at Starlight every year is important because every year different people in our community are going to be facing the challenge of a life-limiting illness.

“Unfortunately every year at Starlight you see new faces of those whose lives have been affected in some way by such illnesses. This is why it’s so important to support Starlight as St. Rocco’s needs the funds it raises every year to keep on being there and providing all that it does for people when they need it.”

Geoff is a senior marshall which means he looks after a section of the route and supports other marshalls in that section.

“It’s known as my mile! Starlight is such a great atmosphere - I see the same faces every year and it’s a great night. There is even one lady who brings enough sandwiches for me as well! Starlight is a really collective thing – it’s all about Warrington people coming together to help Warrington people.”

If you have any time to spare on the night of Saturday 23rd June into Sunday morning then please get in touch with the St. Rocco’s Voluntary Services team on 01925 575780 or sign up on line at https://www.starlightladieswalk.co.uk/be-a-marshal-or-helper/.