Nothing could suppress the enthusiasm of the fifteen crews as they took to the water at Warrington Rowing Club to support St. Rocco's by raising important funds to support patient care. There were both new and experienced crews taking part this year from all aspects of Warrington life including businesses, a pub, recruitment consultants, retailers, accountants, and groups of friends rowing in memory of loved ones.
Having thought gazebos would be a must for protection against this summer’s sun, they proved very useful for keeping rowers and spectators dry, especially in the early part of the day but towards the end of the second heats the sun made an appearance and it was fair weather sailing for the rest of the day.
After the fiercely contested early rounds it was very tight going into the final, a four boat race which included Dainty’s Dragons, Zachary Daniels, Accountant Embroiderers from Walker Begley and the Mighty Loaders.
In the end it was a photo finish, with less than a second separating all four teams. Video replay showed that it was the Mighty Loaders who were victorious, pipping the Accountant Embroiderers (Wlaker Begley) to the post with Zachary Daniels and Dainty’s Dragons third and fourth respectively.
Rachel Ingham, Fundraising Manager for St. Rocco’s said:
“Our Dragon Boat Race is always a popular event and brings people from across the Warrington community together for their local hospice. As a charity, we rely on events such as these and the sponsorship they raise, to allow us to continue to provide our care when needed. It was certainly exciting to watch and great to see the support from all those taking part. The teams worked hard on the day and they have been working hard in the background to raise sponsorship to support our patients and families.”
As a local charity St. Rocco’s relies on donations and fundraising to raise 75% of £3.6 million needed to carry on caring for patients and families.
Our next event, aimed at all ages, is the Colour Bubble Fun at Walton Hall & Gardens on Bank Holiday Monday 27th August at 11am. Register now!
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