“Until 10 years ago I was overweight. Then I lost 5 stone and felt happy to give the Starlight Walk a go!
That year I was looking after a lady who was a patient in St Rocco's at the same time I did the walk. I found it so emotional going back to visit that lady and telling her all about the walk whilst she was telling me all about what Rocco's had been doing for her on that very same night! I vowed that year that I would do it every year and I have!
I wear my Starlight T-shirt with pride for work in the weeks leading up to the walk to try to encourage all the ladies to do it. This is my 10th year of taking part and I look forward to my 20th year!
Whilst we have people at St Rocco's who are selfless and kind we should all join in and support our local Hospice, because we never know when we or one of our loved ones will need that service.”
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