The Met Office has now issued a yellow weather warning in Warrington this coming weekend. As a result of this and following several site visits to Walton Hall and Garden’s, to assess the ground, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the St Rocco’s Colour Bubble Run, for the health and safety of all involved. This decision was not taken lightly and we are hugely sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to all of those who were looking forward to taking part. However, the health and safety of our supporters and volunteers must come first and so given the current conditions we feel this is the best decision for all. Once again, St. Rocco’s is sorry that we cannot bring this year’s event to you and thank you for your patience, understanding and ongoing support. Below you can view some FAQ's regarding the cancellation and some information on the next steps St. Rocco's will be taking.
Why was the event cancelled?
The safety of all our supporters, participants, volunteers and staff alike is of utmost importance. Due to the recent weather conditions and that forecasted over the coming day’s we have reached the decision that it is not safe for the event to go ahead.
Will the event be re-arranged?
Sadly due to the time of year, we do not feel it is feasible to attempt to re-arrange this event in 2019. We are extremely disappointed to have reached this decision as we know you will be too.
Can I speak to someone at the Hospice?
Of course, we always welcome feedback from our supporters and love hearing from you. The Fundraising Team is available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. On this occasion, we ask that where possible you contact us after the 30th September whilst we make the necessary cancellation arrangements regarding the Colour Bubble Fun Run.
How will this event being cancelled affect the Hospice?
Alongside the generous ongoing support St Rocco’s receives from the people of Warrington, the Hospice organises events such as Colour Bubble Fun Run in order to raise funds to meet it’s running costs. We will do all we can to ensure we are able to recuperate these monies from other sources.
Can I have my entry fee back?
Of course! Whilst we are extremely grateful to anyone who wishes to donate this fee to the hospice, we are able to offer a full refund to anyone who would like one. For a refund please contact the fundraising team at St Rocco’s from Monday 30th September between 9am and 5pm. Please note we will not be able to offer refunds ahead of this date.
What should I say to my sponsors?
We will send you a separate email next week containing a message to your sponsors. Again should they wish to have back their sponsorship this can be arranged via the fundraising department from the 30th September. In the meantime, please do share with them our sincere apologies that we have had to cancel the event for 2019.
I still want to send you my sponsorship and scratch-card monies, how do I do this?
Thank you and of course you can! Monies can be forwarded on to St Rocco’s by post to 'St Rocco’s Hospice, Lockton Lane, Warrington, WA5 0BW.' Please only send cheques through the post. Or by hand-delivering them to the same address. Alternatively, if your sponsorship has been collected online, this will reach us automatically.
For Sponsors
I sponsored someone taking part and would now like my sponsorship back, how do I get it?
We ask that you contact the St. Rocco's Fundraising Team directly at so that they can initiate the refund process with JustGiving.
I am a corporate sponsor of a colour station and would like to discuss the next steps, what should I do?
The Fundraising Team will be in touch with each of you next week to discuss possible outcomes. At this stage, we would just like to say a huge thank you again for your continued support.
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