If you’re a regular visitor to St. Rocco’s you might have met Jane, one of our fantastic Occupational Therapists!
Jane works in our Vitality Centre and offers amazing therapies to all of our patients who are being treated at the hospice. You might not know that she is also a keen runner and is taking on an amazing challenge to raise money for patient care and support here at the hospice!
On June 6th, Jane will be running one of the Lakeland Trails Marathon Runs at Coniston, covering a distance of 10k!
“This will be my first competitive run since getting over having Covid so its wonderful to be able to do it for our patients here at St. Roccos” Jane told us, “The pandemic has taken a big impact on the hospice financially but our amazing team have pulled together to get us through it and it will be great to do my bit and fundraise”
We would like to say a huge GOOD LUCK and THANK YOU to Jane for all her dedication, we know she will absolutely smash it! Fingers crossed for some good weather too!
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