How St. Rocco’s can help you continue living your life at home


How St. Rocco’s can help you continue living your life at home

Most people believe that a Hospice is all about providing in-patient nursing when symptoms get extreme, and whilst this is an important part of our care, it is now no longer all we do.

In line with our aim of “providing years to life and life to years,” we offer a full range of therapies and assistance to ensure patients with a palliative illness can continue to live their lives to the full at home.

Getting on with life

One such patient is David Hughes from Penketh. He has been receiving outpatient care from us since early 2020 as we discovered when speaking to him recently. David is a retired chemist who worked for Eli Lilly in Speke for many years. Having been married for 53 years with 1 daughter, he was originally diagnosed with prostate cancer back in 2009. This has now spread to his lungs and bladder.

Despite this, David wants to get on with his life as he explained. “Back in early 2020, I thought I was suffering from Parkinson’s disease, so I visited a physio at Warrington General Hospital. He put my mind my rest over the Parkinson’s but then told me I could get help for my symptoms of breathlessness from St. Rocco’s, via the Integrated Palliative Care hub.

“So, after contacting them I was eventually introduced to their physio Andy. This was just prior to the first Covid lockdown, and I attended with my wife Jen and saw Andy at St. Rocco’s outpatient department. Andy provided a breathlessness management assessment and provided breathlessness management advice and exercises.

‘’Following assessment, the country went in to the first COVID lockdown I then received a follow up phone call from Andy and a subsequent home visit. Andy was great, he then supported me via further regular telephone calls from there on’’

Help with breathlessness, mobility and fatigue management

David continued, “Andy was able to give me different exercises to help with my breathlessness and fatigue management and with a combination of these and his support I have been able to carry on at home. Andy is a great guy and I now view him as a friend, not just my physio. He has certainly helped improve my quality of life over the last 18 months and for that I am extremely grateful.

So, if you’re struggling with a palliative illness alone – don’t. Get in touch with the Integrated Palliative Care hub. They will be able to signpost you to all the help that is available and make your life easier.