
Ingevity helps us


Ingevity helps us

Refurb Our Patient Bathroom

St. Rocco’s are delighted to announce that Ingevity awarded St Rocco’s Hospice with a £22,000 donation towards refurbishing our bathroom on the inpatient ward.


Their support has helped us to create a functional and calm atmosphere where patients can safely wash. The benefits of this extend beyond the patients in our service, to their families and loved ones who spend time with them at the hospice.


Before the refurbishment, the bathroom looked tired, uninviting, and dated…



After the refurbishment, the bathroom looks fresh, comfortable, and modern.


Many people who come to the hospice find it difficult to use a shower at home. It can be uncomfortable (and sometimes unsafe) trying to wash whilst coping with difficult physical limitations. Our upgraded bathroom means that we can help patients clean which has a huge effect on how good we feel each day.

The new bathroom has a special coating on walls and flooring to prevent bacteria growth and helps to keep our hospice safe.  It acts as a wet room with enough space for a bed or chair to give patients as much freedom as possible to use our facilities.  Ingevity have helped us make this space accessible and safe with the ability to empower many of our patients to take control of their self-care.

This project will benefit hundreds of our patients over the next three years and will also provide reassurance to loved ones that we have the facilities to help them.  

“Receiving a donation from Ingevity has made a huge difference to the hospice.  We are so grateful for their ongoing support over the years.”

For more information about the services that St Rocco’s Hospice provide, or if you are interested in being a corporate sponsor, please contact the Marketing Team on 01925 575780 or by email or visit to see our latest news.